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Selectmen Minutes 03/27/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
March 27, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  

SUBJECT: Department Heads   
PRESENT: Patrick Clarke; Police Chief, David Paveglio; Building Inspector, David Kenneally; Road Agent, John Martell; Emergency Management Director, and Stephen Stock; Officer in Charge-Fire Department

EMD- Mr. Martell discussed the newly adopted Computer Policy.  He uses his personal e-mail address for town business.  At this time, he is not comfortable sharing his password with the town.  The Board explained the policy is stating, should problems arise, the town has a right to complete access to the laptop that was provided at the town’s expense.  Town equipment is for business use only.  The Board acknowledges there are privacy rights for certain data obtained by the police and fire departments.

BI - The building inspector has been contacted by Mr. Joe Austin regarding the issuance of building permits and impact fees for his 55 and over housing project.  Mr. Austin states the units are condos and impact fees should be calculated at a different rate than single family dwellings.  Mr. Paveglio has reviewed the building plans and stated each is a single unit.  The definition of condominium in the town’s zoning is “A system of separate ownership of individual living units within a multiple unit building by which each purchaser received basically a fee simple or leasehold estate in an apartment and undivided interest in common areas and facilities.” By this definition, Mr. Austin’s units do not apply.  The Board directed Mr. Paveglio to research the Planning Board approval for clarification.  Mr. Austin is on the building permit list for three permits in 2007 and three permits in 2008.  A certificate of occupancy will not be issued until the road is built to the town’s standards.  The town has set precedence that a foundation constitutes the start of a building project and once a project is started, an applicant has up to eighteen months to complete.

Selectman MacCleery informed the building inspector that the town has lost the case at the Supreme Court regarding Mr. Mullaney’s Storage Unit Project on map 2, lot 77.  The Selectmen were not aware of this and asked Selectman MacCleery to speak with the Board of Adjustment secretary for a copy of this decision.

HYW – Mr. Kenneally submitted price lists for new tires for the grader.  

Mr. Kenneally discussed with the Board the disposition of the abandoned well on the Frangione property now that a new well had been installed at the library.  The Board instructed the highway department to fill in the well with crushed stone.

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During the last snow storm, one of the gates at the school was struck and damaged by a highway vehicle.  The office received estimates for repair. The gate was installed without the Road Agents’ knowledge.  Mr. Kenneally stated the gate is not wide enough.  Mr. Kenneally has arranged to meet with the school board to discuss this issue.  No payments will be made at this time.

PD – Chief Clarke brought to the attention of the Board, a discrepancy in the amount of money reported in the Police Cruiser Capital Reserve Fund in the warrant article for the new cruiser.  The gross amount appropriated remains the same; however the amount coming back to the general fund on the revenue said will be $4,000.00 less.   

Officer Wright has carried over a vacation from 2006.  Chief Clarke has allowed him to carry over this week until June due to scheduling conflicts within the department.  The Board agreed with this decision.

Officer Seluk will graduate from the Police Academy on Friday March 30, 2007.  

The chief reviewed the changes (2) to his employment contract submitted for the Board’s approval.    

Selectman MacCleery asked if anything has been done regarding the cars parking on the hill and not in the parking lot at Carpenter Park.  The highway and recreation departments were scheduled to meet and discuss the installation of gating off the access to the hill.  The road agent and Selectman DeBold agreed to meet at the park on Thursday morning and set a plan.  The police chief recommended closing the park at 10pm and posting signs around the perimeter.  Selectman DeBold will bring the issue to the recreation commission and work on a policy mutually agreeable by all departments.  

FD -   Mr. Stock has issued a department directive regarding vehicles parked at the station during snowstorms.  A copy was submitted to the Board. Mr. Stock informed the Selectmen that burning permits are now required and notice has been posted which includes phone numbers for wardens to call for permits.  Mr. Chris Drew is interested in remaining a Deputy Fire Warden.

The total cost for the skid unit for the off road vehicle (mule) is $2,700.00.  The additional $200.00 will come from the forestry budget.  The department is going to Vermont to pickup the item to save costs.  The mule vehicle is legal weight to carry a load this size.  This 2000 diesel model is equipped with seat belts and a roll cage.

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Mr. Stock asked that the Selectmen direct members to follow the chain of command when handling complaints from the fire department membership.  Mr. Stock asked the Board to respect this unless the issue was regarding him personally.  Mr. Stock did receive the memo from the Board asking the department not to schedule driver training while the roads were posted.  

Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Stock about the directive given relative to the status of John Prickett.  The directive from Mr. Stock states Mr. Prickett is on a leave of absence.  Mr. Prickett announced his retirement to the Board of Selectmen on Monday, March 12, 2007.  In that letter, Mr. Prickett asked to remain on active status through the remainder of the EMS class (May 20, 2007) he is currently instructing.

Selectman MacCleery asked if the fire department could burn Shaw Field this year.  The department will attempt to schedule this dependant on the weather pattern.

Chairman Colbert discussed the recent alarm system inspections and repairs that took place at the grange, community building and the library. These inspections/maintenance checks were severely overdue. The Board would like the fire department to inspect these systems on a periodic basis in addition to the annual inspections that will now take place.  Perhaps this could become a semi-annual task for the fire students.

SUBJECT: Town Organization Committee/Budget Committee
PRESENT: Mr. Bruce Dyke   

Mr. Dyke discussed with the Selectmen what they would like the next step of the committee to be.  Selectman DeBold would like some additional time, now that town meeting is over, to thoroughly review the committee’s final report.  A meeting to discuss options was scheduled for May 15th.  

Mr. Dyke proposed to the Selectmen, increasing the membership of the budget committee from five to seven members. The goal is for more diversity and participation by the committee.  This committee is advisory only; the town has not adopted the Municipal Budget Act.  Chairman Colbert made the motion on the recommendation of budget committee chairman Bruce Dyke, to increase the membership of the budget committee to seven.  Second by Selectman DeBold.  All three were in favor.  Motion carries. Lisa will post notices seeking additional candidates.

The Board discussed Mr. Brandon Giuda’s and Mr. Frank  Merrill’s request seeking authorization from the Selectmen to allow the issuance of twenty building permits for their proposed elderly development projects should they combine it to one.  Both gentlemen are working on subdivision proposals for 55 and over communities.  These

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parcels abut one another.  Mr. Giuda and Mr. Merrill offered to combine into one larger subdivision for ease of processing to the town, provided each developer could keep the amount of building permits issued as if they were still two separate projects. Road concerns relating to infrastructure and traffic flow for Perry Brook Road and Healy
Pasture Road; currently a private road, were discussed.   All three Board members decided not to authorize twenty permits should the project be consolidated.  The Board would like to see the projects remain as two subdivisions.         

Use of the main hall in the grange building for social events was revisited. Revenue received from fees totaled $500.00.  Expenses incurred last year were discussed.  Costs and problems included the loss of the phone system due to the sink in the bathroom overflowing because the faucet was left running; keys being lost resulting in the entire building being re-keyed, seven windows broken, trash left behind, heat/electric use/misuse, rules not being respected such as no smoking/drinking, decorations remaining and the door getting left unlocked.  The Board is concerned with the possible damage that could be done on the reproduction stage curtain recently installed by the Historical Society.  The wear and tear on the floor, piano and furniture was also a concern voiced.  When more than one function has taken place over the weekend, the office staff has no way of knowing which party violated what.  The Selectmen discussed the option of a hired custodian or chaperone to be present at all social events. The cost would have to be added to the rental fee.  Who would be responsible for hiring this individual?   Scheduling and monitoring use need refinement. Details must be worked on before a change can take place.  Motion Chairman Colbert and second by Selectman DeBold to temporarily suspend the rental of the main hall for social activities until these issues can be worked out.  All three were in favor.  Motion carries.  Those events already on the schedule through the month of April will be allowed to take place.

The Board would like all information gathered to date made available for their review regarding the appointment of an Interim Fire Chief.  The items to be resolved are; the Selectmen deciding which process the town is going to follow (bylaws v administrative regulations); appoint an interim Fire Chief until April 1, 2008; work jointly with the fire department to establish guidelines for hiring or appointing a fire chief pursuant to RSA 154:1 and further to put forth said statute to the townspeople on next year’s ballot for the town to formally adopt RSA 154:1-Firewards, Fire Chiefs, Organization, Power and Duties.   The Board directed Lisa to once again review the minutes of the Selectmen in the year 2000, looking for approval by the Board of the fire department directive addressing the resignation of the fire chief.   The Board will review all material during the week and revisit this issue next week.

Selectman DeBold brought forward corrections needed to the master zoning ordinance.  Again Selectman DeBold stressed the need for more peer review.  It was discovered that

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Selectman DeBold was working from an unrevised copy.  Actual correction to an item on page ten is needed.  Mr. Chris Weir will make the correction and insert in the master copy prior to the Board submitting as the official copy to the town clerk.

Selectmen DeBold shared a draft proposal he has written addressing oversight by the town engineer on the Center Road reconstruction project.  The other Board members will review for discussion next week.

Mr. Vien informed the Selectmen of his concerns regarding the budget line for fire truck maintenance.  Lights on the fire trucks are being changed, the exhaust on the blazer is being fixed, but the pumps have not been repaired yet.  Mr. Vien is concerned that all the money will be spent and the pumps won’t get fixed.

Selectman MacCleery informed the other two Selectmen he has received a call from a fire department member regarding recent changes made to the department roster.  In light of Mr. Stock’s request this evening, Selectman MacCleery will instruct the member to handle through the chain of command.

The proposal for the restructuring of the town office’s staff was discussed at length. The town is in need of office hours for the land use boards.  Cross-training the staff is critical to improving overall customer service to the townspeople and stronger communication overall for all departments.  The proposal which calls for two part time assistants splits the duties into primary and secondary functions in which each individual will be trained in all areas of need but remain focused in one.  The goal is to be able to retain the current staff, if possible, but adjust the schedules to better suit the needs of the community.  Selectman DeBold went on record to say he is in favor of office hours for the planning and zoning boards.  Logistics and refinement is needed.  The Board will review the proposal further during the upcoming week and discuss again at the next meeting.

The Board reviewed a request received for the return of unused impact fee money.  Lisa will forward to the town treasurer.

Lisa was directed to prepare the grounds maintenance and the roof repair bids.

Drafting of a general bid policy was tabled.

Mail and e-mail was reviewed.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

An abatement for Parent, map 2, lot 39, was denied.

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An appointment to the conservation commission for Dawn Marshall was signed.  

The Board approved the minutes of March 20, 2007.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:17PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens/Administrator

                                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN

David Colbert, Chairman       

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery

Board of Selectmen
Town of Chichester